How to Become the Best in the World at Something
To all the people who ever dreamed of achieving something special 🤩
Hey there,
Have you ever wanted to do something ground breaking, be the next big thing or be one of the best in your field? How many people actually make it to the top trying to hone that one skill?
How hard is it to become an NBA player? Most of them have been honing their skills on the basketball court practically since infancy: years of countless practices, camps, and games to improve their shooting, ball-handling, passing, defense...
Fewer than one in a thousand will make it to the pros.
There’s one way you could beat this system that doesn’t involve you being born with special genes or luck or both.
You should put your effort into mastering a combination of skills. The solution is skill stacking, a concept popularized by Scott Adams. Here’s how it works.
We’ve all heard about Habit Stacking mainly from the book Atomic Habits, but Skill stacking is something that comes with great benefits in todays time.
For example, Steve Jobs.
At the heart of Jobs’ skill stack was a passion for design, be it fonts, packaging, or architecture. He was obsessive about the look and feel of his products. He was never the best in the world at design, but over time, he developed a keen understanding of winning design principles. He later combined his various design skills with deep insight about what people want, tech knowledge, a strategic mind, salesmanship, an ability to extract everything from his employees, and entrepreneurial skills. Together, these skills helped him form a company that was focused on advanced technology and beautiful design.
What’s different about stacking is having skills that not only work together but also are varied enough to make you stand out. Say you’re good at art but equally good at cooking, you could combine those two skills. Have a look at They Draw & Cook. Like, engineers aren’t known to be great public speakers, so those who are have a huge professional advantage.
Stop trying to be the best at one skill. You’re setting yourself up for some serious disappointment. Instead, ask yourself: In what niche do I want to stand out? What combination of skills do I need to be unique in that niche?
You don’t have to settle for one hobby you have, you can do multiple of them together.
Weekly Recommendations
🎬 If you haven’t watched Tick Tick Boom yet I would highly recommend it. Andrew Garfield stars as Jonathan Larson, the creator of Rent, who altered the musical theatre landscape in the 1990s. Need I say more?
😌 A few miscellaneous videos I enjoyed
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Have a great weekend!
Yaquta 💌